The NOW of God

The NOW of God

Hosted by: Leslie D. Richardson Sr.

Stepping in to The Now of God. Learn to know what God is saying for your life right Now! Start your 21 Day - The Fast Of The Lord Isa. 58:6


Interview with Anthony Hilder - Five Fold Equipping

Season #3

In this dynamic interview with Anthony Hilder the discussion of Five Fold and it's functionality are illuminated in a clearer light, for the Body Of Christ to see just how vital Five Fold is to the body of Christ.
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Shut up in the Walls of Saul

Season #3

Welcome to today's lesson as we delve into the captivating narrative of "Shut Up in the Walls of Saul." In this profound exploration, we will journey through the pages of 1 Samuel 16-17, a passage in the Old Testament...
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The Fast of The Lord - Day 13

Season #1

The Fast of The Lord - Day 13 with your Host - Apostle Leslie D. Richardson Sr. and serval guest speakers discussing "How to bring a fresh flow of five fold ministry into the church, post quarantine. "
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The Retier Of An Empire

Season #3

In this podcast the host gives was a stern warning on the future of or nation if we continue to go the way we are going. Share with your leaders.
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The Mystery Of The Bride Part 2

Season #3

Leslie Richardson Sr. elucidates that this metaphorical marriage represents not just a union but a covenant. Just as marriage is a commitment based on love, respect, and mutual submission, so is the relationship of...
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The Mystery of The Bride

Season #3

Leslie Richardson Sr. elucidates that this metaphorical marriage represents not just a union but a covenant. Just as marriage is a commitment based on love, respect, and mutual submission, so is the relationship of...
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The Assimilation of Five Fold Ministry - Part 2

Season #2

In this awesome podcast Servant Leader Leslie walks his audience through the assimilation into Five Fold ministry. I this eye opening talk he brings out some very necessary thoughts for all to consider as it pertains...
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The Assimilation of Five Fold Ministry - Intro

Season #2

In this awesome podcast Servant Leader Leslie walks his audience through the assimilation into Five Fold ministry. I this eye opening talk he brings out some very necessary thoughts for all to consider as it pertains...
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The Assimilation of Five Fold Ministry - Part 4

Season #2

In this awesome podcast Servant Leader Leslie walks his audience through the assimilation into Five Fold ministry. I this eye opening talk he brings out some very necessary thoughts for all to consider as it pertains...
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The Assimilation of Five Fold Ministry - Part 3

Season #2

In this awesome podcast Servant Leader Leslie walks his audience through the assimilation into Five Fold ministry. I this eye opening talk he brings out some very necessary thoughts for all to consider as it pertains...
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Season #3

In this incredible interview John knox's it out the park! If you have not listen to this, stop and get in a quiet place and give it your undivided attention. Every Leader Needs This.  The...
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The Now Of God - Worship,Keys,Portals,Dimensions

Season #3

The Now Of God Podcast, Worship,Keys,Portals, Dimensions, Part 2 Sample Mixdown
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